video games made by the one and only

i like making games
it's the main reason i got involved in programming in the first place. i've collected some games here that i've made and published on itch.io
it's been a while since i actually published something new. i have a few long-term projects languishing in various stages of completeness. i'm hoping to put something out soon.
2021 - godot
a simple rails shooter, kinda like starfox 64. made in about a week as a self-imposed game jam.

2021 - godot
a twist on the classic game "asteroids". instead of shooting them, you use the gravitational attraction of your ship to slam the asteroids into each other.

2021 - unity
it's kind of like a single player arcade action game version of uno. i think it's a lot of fun personally but i'm bias. go for the high score!!

2020 - unity
made as a birthday gift for a very special kiddo in my life. play as a mama sea turtle recovering your babies and guiding them to the sea.

2020 - unity
this is a platformer where you play as a blob that can transform into an anvil mid-air and squash its enemies.